
The teaser of my project 

Work done in 2020 In June 2020, I created a teaser about the first intentions of my project. 

The idea was to present the designer’s work that I want to put in place for my diploma project and to show this video to possible partners for my research and the implementation of this project. 

These project intentions have evolved and changed as my project has progressed. During this advancement, I have chosen to work specifically with people with an immigrant background. With them, there is no longer any question of setting up a collaborative project to improve their social integration because, as part of social integration involves the assimilation of values, I find it difficult to designate values ​​as the legitimate values ​​to be transmitted to a group of people. I therefore wish to work more, during my project, on participatory design methods to set up a collaborative project. 

The teaser of my project, with the royalty-free music “Boussa” by Hicham Chahidi